

Dressmakers work with patterns and free-hand to cut, sew, design and repair dresses and other similar garments. They must have excellent cutting and sewing technique and be able to provide detailed embellishments. Dressmakers may fulfil individual customer orders or large commercial size orders.

Quick summary

  • Starting salary: $30,500 P/A
  • Senior salary: $62,000 P/A
  • Average salary: $45,000 P/A
  •   * Wages will vary according to your level of skill, experience and employer
  • Employment level:11,800 as of November 2011 (compared to 12,100 as of November 2000)
  • Average weekly hours:Average weekly hours worked for full time Dressmakers is 40.2 hours
  • Employment by region: The top three regions for employment as a Dressmaker include:
  • VIC: 39.6%
  • NSW: 29.3%
  • WA: 15.1%


Guide to Dressmaking – 8 Helpful Hints

Making your own clothes can be a little bit intimidating if you have never done it before. With a bit of practice though it can be incredibly rewarding! Sewing your own clothes can also save you money, provide an opportunity for creative expression, allow you to make clothes that fit you properly and it can be a lot of fun! Here are some simple tips to help you out. Some are specific to sewing clothes and some are applicable for a range of sewing projects. I hope you find them helpful!


Tips When Taking Measurements Before Dressmaking

Taking measurements before dressmaking is an art and a science because you need to combine dedication, time, and accuracy to get the job done. Note that measuring the body is more than just measuring the hip, bust, and waist in inches. Measurements for clothing should be more detailed especially if you aim to come out with a custom-fitted outfit. You have to aim to keep the accuracy at all costs. It can be tedious and costly re-doing a dress from scratch just because you messed up in measurements.


What Do I Need: Dressmaking Equipments

A lot of Americans nowadays, are turning to their skills and talents for additional income. In the present financial situation, people are not just relying on their day jobs to get through, some would even do some part-time work or additional projects which they could do in their homes. Just like dressmaking.

Dressmaking used to be just a skill which is best applied for family clothes repairs and easy sewing. But currently, these skilled and talented people are turning their skills into something profitable.

Dressmaking Guide © 2011 | Designed by Ibu Hamil, in collaboration with Uncharted 3 News, MW3 Clans and Black Ops